South American Directory
Students / Scholars Directory:
South American Dance Directory
South American Fashions Directory
South American Festival and Fiestas Directory
South American Cultural Driectory
Students / Scholars Directory:

American Colleges and Universities:
Graduation day
American University: Students / Scholars Clubs. [ ] Boston College: Students / Scholars Clubs. [ ] Cornell University Students / Scholars Clubs . [ ] SUNY @ Cortland Students / Scholars Clubs .[ ] University of Buffalo - Students / Scholars Clubs  [ ] Buffalo State College  Students / Scholars Clubs  [  ] Elmira College: Students / Scholars Clubs. [ ] Georgetown University: Students / Scholars Clubs. [ ] Ithaca College Students / Scholars Clubs .  [ ] University of Michigan Clubs: Students / Scholars .  [ ] New York University: Students / Scholars Clubs. [ ] Ohio State University: Sudents / Scholars Clubs. [ ] Syracuse University  Clubs: Students / Scholars :[ ] Wells College: Students / Scholars Clubs

Tri - Falcon and Dove Productions, Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY Publications, D.B.A. * 103 West Seneca - Suite 206 A * Ithaca * NY * 14850