Mexico City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC

A Joint Alliance for Prosperity:

Entertainment Night Spots
Mexico City / Mexico Art, Artists, and Art Galleries.
Latin Dance / Latina Danza is Mexico City
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Mexico City NightLife: Acadmic - Academia Directory.
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The First Priority:
Understanding who and what are the major assets.
Immigrant or what is also known as migrant workers are " The " most important labor force in the United States for three excellent and seldom unheard factors within the economies of " The Americas":
One:  They are the largest block of unskill workers who mostly prop up America's agricultural productivity and have added to its monetary returns on investments by their often below set hourly wage of any given state.
Two:  They are in large part self - starters and often contribute more to America than the people who they work for.
Three:  They are our greatest potential in becoming future customers for American exports and then higher education services, the real valued proponents of " Free Trade " issues.
It is how they are viewed, and more importantly, in what condition is their native homes which should every legislature focus, both county, state, and federal.  They too are Americans, and thus are co - nationalists.  Yet we have not found the need socioeconomic ground in which stronger co-relationships can occur to create a joint hemispheric middle class prosperity.
Leading this attitude is the necessity to create those conditions in which studies and then action cen be taken to resolve the social and economic dispairities back at their homes which is the key in developing the necessary perspective to build future relationships on.
The action is extending available education centers, both private and public to begin the task of training migrant workers new skills in which to assist in the economic and social development of their own homes while laboring in the United States.
It is important to note that we did this very same action to heal America from the ' Great Depression ' by understanding the roots causes, and there was at the time a national will.

Information solicitation, or needs list:
You can start the process going in higher gear if you are able to assist in the identification of those communities who have seen massive flight of potential workers heading for the United States.  Pictures included.  Then some information concerning these three strategic areas.
One: What are the socio-economic conditions.
Two:  What levels of education available as well as if there are any natural resources-especially fresh water.
Three.  Are there available networks in order to contact members within this labor pool.
If you are will to assist then email to .

Tri Falcon and Dove Productions * 103 West Seneca, Suite 206A * Ithaca * NY * 14850 * USA *

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